7 revenue opportunities carmakers can’t afford to miss

Future of automotive
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5G-enabled connected vehicles are coming – and with them, a wealth of revenue opportunities carmakers can’t afford to miss. As vehicles transform beyond mode of transport into fully-connected, integrated hubs, agile manufacturers won’t simply be going along for the ride – they’ll be leading the way.

With 40% of consumers saying they would change car brands to gain more in-vehicle connectivity – rising to 61% for China – infotainment and streaming services are just the beginning. Remote diagnostics, predictive maintenance, online service scheduling and over-the-air (OTA) updates are a growing part of the “here and now” of connected vehicle technology.

From MaaS to infotainment, agile automakers are transforming their value proposition far beyond traditional sales. Cubic Telecom’s new eBook 7 Revenue Opportunities Carmakers Can’t Afford to Miss highlights some of the key opportunities open to automakers right now, including:

  • Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS): Opening up for business and overcoming legacy infrastructure challenges.
  • Data monetisation: Identifying value and building on connected intelligence and insights.
  • Personalised services and infotainment: Data-driven, personalised services and driver experiences.

Modern car - future of automotive

  • Commercial fleet management: The unique opportunity of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) technology.
  • Optimised connectivity: Reduce latency and optimise connections to gain a competitive edge.
  • Over-the-Air upgrades: Ensure your customers are always driving the very best version of your car.

Success in monetising in-car services will depend on how effectively carmakers transition to software-defined vehicle manufacturing. Download your eBook today and find out how leading manufacturers are unlocking new revenue opportunities today.

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