The Cubic Blog

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Getting real with connectivity

Today was something of a whirlwind tour around some of the less tangible aspects of connectivity. On a day when several sessions were geared towards investors, there were also a lot of talks on possibilities, future applications of tech, the big ideas that aren’t quite up and running but everyone’s excited (or sceptical) about.

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MWC22: It’s great to be back at the Fira!

When the overall themes are ‘Connectivity Unleashed’ and ‘Internet of Everything,’ it’s no surprise to find that the major trends at this year’s MWC are as diverse as the companies operating in this space.

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Future of automotive

7 revenue opportunities carmakers can’t afford to miss

5G-enabled connected vehicles are coming – and with them, a wealth of genuinely revolutionary opportunities for carmakers. As vehicles transform beyond mode of transport into fully-connected, integrated hubs, agile manufacturers won’t simply be going along for the ride – they’ll be leading the way.  

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